
Sourcetree app massive
Sourcetree app massive

sourcetree app massive

Initially, the SourceTree Beta will be available for download from our public repository and will not replace your production copy. The beta candidate will go through intensive acceptance testing with our QA team- essentially making the beta candidate feel like a college quarterback on their first day against the top-ranked NFL defense.Īll systems go! When the beta candidate passes internal acceptance testing, it’s ready for our beta community to give it a spin. Once we determine a set of improvements that are ready for a public release, we will build a b eta candidate. However, in one off cases, we will reach out to a few trusted testers for early feedback.ġ Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, …, BLITZ!!! SourceTree Alpha will not be available for public download. SourceTree Alpha is where we turn your feedback in to features that we test internally. In the coming weeks, we’ll release our first SourceTree Beta and want to give you a look behind the curtains at the testing process, both internal and external, so you can see how the beta program will work. We’re still accepting trusted testers, get in now by signing up here. For those who haven’t signed up yet, don’t wait too long. We received a lot of interest and are in the process of building a few new features and improvements for you to try out.

sourcetree app massive sourcetree app massive

Last week we announced a new beta program for SourceTree, and I want to thank everyone who signed up to be a trusted tester. SourceTree Beta Program – A look behind the curtains By Rahul Chhabria on March 31, 2016

Sourcetree app massive